Welcome to an Incrediball (get it?) mix of sustainability, business, and adventure.
You can expect:

  • Sustainability without the BS: I'm not big on being judgemental, greenwashing or the anti-science movement sweeping the world. So I debunk myths, talk real sustainability and remind you, that it's about progress, not perfection.
  • Ethical biz building: A lot of you first met me when I was the CEO of Ethique. Well now I'm on to the next thing(s); Incrediballs (doing the same thing for the drinks industry) and helping other ethical entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
  • Animal updates: Look, I know many of you are here because of the adorable animals I have somehow collected on the lifestyle block. They'll be in here.
  • Life in general: Apparently, some of you just find me interesting. And despite what you might think, I actually don't share my whole life (or even much of it) on social. So you get a bit more of that in here.
  • Your questions: I love questions! I want to help - so please, send them my way and I will pop them in the next edition.

Come and join me!

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