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Now, That's What I Call Business.

Join me as I build a new ethical business, using all the know-how I gained from founding & growing Ethique.

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Let's chat ethical business and how you can grow yours, as we build Incrediballs.
Kia ora!
I'm Brianne West
Founder & CEO of Incrediballs, Business but BetterInsprie.

Founder & Former CEO Ethique
I'm the founder of Ethique, the beauty brand that made shampoo bars popular (yes, I'm claiming that) and now I'm growing Incrediballs to revolutionise the drinks industry without the waste. I started Business, but Better and Insprie to help other founders start and scale their world-changing ethical adventures too. With a track record that includes the EY Young Entrepreneur of the Year award, and NZ Hall of Fame, I'm all about turning business into a force for good – balancing profits with a deep care for our planet and its people. And when I'm not diving into business, I'm literally SCUBA diving underwater, restoring nature on my lifestyle block,  or managing my own mini-zoo of 65 animals – never a dull moment!
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Absolutely Love it!

Absolutely love it! I'm so impressed by this already - so exciting to be a part of the journey, and I love the fun, exciting tone and no nonsense delivery. Can't wait to buy the finished products!!!
David (Via Apple Podcasts)